Andrea Lorena Ordoñez Guevara

Born on October 16th, 1986 in Laredo, Texas.

I went to a private school and it was a very small school, like my class, when I left at that point, they were divided - again, Catholic school - they divided the class. Men were in one classroom and women were in another classroom. And my classroom was literally nine people. Nine women in one classroom.

And so when I got here my first day of school, you know, I had this romantic idea of, like, high school in the movies, right? It's like, oh, it's going to be great. I'm going to make so many friends and whatever.

 I walked into the cafeteria and I got so overwhelmed, I had to immediately step out and I started crying. It was so many people, so many people in that one moment. And I remember I just went straight to my classroom, my first period class, and, thankfully there was another girl there that was going through the exact same thing that I was going through, and we kind of hit it off and it was another person from a, from a Christian school here in Laredo.

And so we were both going through the same thing, and it was so overwhelming.