I think it was around maybe midnight when we got into Iraq. And there was a mountain range, so we flew under the radar. And then the airplane banked up, came over the mountain, and then banked all the way down and then leveled to five hundred feet. And at five hundred feet they let us all out. And we we ended up jumping into Bashur, Iraq. March 26th, 2003. I think it was after midnight when we did that.

And, it went from a week of taking over an airfield so the Air For- the Air Force can come in and bring in supplies and everything to , next thing you know, we were, we were tasked along with another unit, searching for Saddam Hussein.

So if we would track him, then we would take a break. Then the other unit would take, take over. They would track him, and if they couldn't find him, then they would rest, and then we would take over again. And we were on and off.

Until, we got to a point where it was in a mission and we, I think we were like a day behind him, but we had to rest. And then, you know, the other outfit took over. And, and they were the ones who, the lucky ones who found him.

And I remember we saw it, because at our headquarters, we had like a little TV and everything, and we saw it and was like ahh. It was December when, it was December when they caught him, I believe, if I remember correctly. And, we were like, that's it. Mission over. We’re going home. It was like, nope. No, you're not.

Rogelio Betancourt

Born February 24th, 1982 in Laredo, Texas