I don't know what lifetime it was, but first thing I clearly remember was sort of seeing myself as red-skinned, dusty red, dirt everywhere. And I was in the back of a, like an old pickup truck, a very old pickup truck. And I was just wearing, like, a loin cloth, and I had long black hair. But, I was like, standing sort of like facing the road, and trying to look through the window, the back of the pickup truck.

It was like a lingering, like an echo of of a past life or something. Maybe the feeling of how it felt to be, maybe moved around, you know?

And I'm still like, if I think about it like, well, what's the underlying meaning? Why would the soul give you a vision like that early on? Like, the very first thing I remember is that.

 I don't know. I don't know if I'll ever know the meaning of such a thing until the very end. Maybe. So it could be a thing that carries on throughout my life, perhaps. I don't know.

Bruno Emilio Rendon

Born 1975 in Laredo, Texas