Carolina Cruz

Born on January 20th, 2000 in Laredo, Texas.

It's usually not on the first day that the baby's born. Its usually on the second day that you, we go, like, around to the rooms, knock, and then ask the mom if she would like a photography session. And we do it there, like on her bed. We get two, two hospital pillows and put them at the end of the bed where her feet are. And we cover it with a clean white sheet. And we also have another clean white sheet so that she can hold in the background. It actually looks nice. Like, like a clean set for the baby. And then we would just pose them in 12 different positions.

And there's a pose that was really scary. Because, I mean, babies are so fragile, right? Like, you feel like you could break them, like, with one bad twist. And for this one, we had to flip the baby upside down on their stomach. So they’re on their stomach, and then they have their hands crossed and their head is laying like that and their butt is kind of like up. So it looks really cute, but it doesn't always come out right because some babies, you know, will cry if you move them.

The regular day was like, like at least two rooms of babies just crying and then being, like, okay, I guess we're done. Like, trying to wrap up, because then the parents are also nervous. Like you see, they see a stranger handling their baby, it’s crying, and then they get like, okay, ah, can we finish? So. So sometimes it was very, like, nervewrecking. Wracking.

But sometimes you would get like cute babies right? Like, they were really calm. And all their pictures were, I mean, I guess they were photogenic. Right? Like, they come out really cute. And then, we would put them into the system and it would create a slideshow. And we would show it to the parents. And sometimes they would cry. Like, I, it felt nice when they would cry because it was like, oh, like you did that for them. Because sometimes I would feel bad. I'm like, I'm tricking, I feel like I'm forcing people to do like a photography session, and then like, their babies are crying. But sometimes it was like, oh, like, they, they like, loved it. And they're like, wow, this just made, like my day.

It was crazy. And I, I mostly did it for, for the plot. You know? Like, so I could look, like me thinking ahead, like, I'm going to look back and say, yeah, I took pictures of newborn babies. And yeah, that was, that was a crazy experience.