Danielle Marie Flores

Born in 1979 in Laredo, Texas.

You're talking about fifth to sixth grade. I grew five inches in one summer. So first of all, the most painful nights ever because of growing pains. Those are real. And I had them so intensely growing those five inches. So I walked into sixth grade being already 5’8'“. Which in this community meant that I was taller than 99% of all of my teachers, administrators, and certainly almost every students at.

And that was very awkward. The great thing is I had a role model my whole life, my mom, who was six feet tall. And her grandmother was six feet tall. And so she told me my whole life that being tall was wonderful. And it was a gift. And, you know, to carry that with pride. And I don't know if she did it intentionally or this was just a subaffect of her loving fashion and sewing. But we used to watch every Saturday Fashion Week with Elsa Klensch, and they would talk about all the fashion in Paris and all over the world. And even though we were not at all of the socioeconomic level to be buying these high fashion couture designers, my mom would look to that for trends and things that we would make. And she would always point out, like, you see those runway models? All six feet tall. All of them six feet. If you're 5’8” you're short. So it was awkward. But I also never lost sight, I guess, of the end game. And I believe when my mom said being tall is beautiful, one day you’ll love those long legs and you'll grow into your body and it'll be great.