My parents came from, like, really humble beginnings in Tamaulipas, but always had this, like, desire to, like, strive for more, like, economically. And I think that came at the expense of, other areas in your life. More, maybe spiritual. Maybe more like community based, because they were always like in pursuit of, like a better material life for their kids.

Hay una cancion muy padre de La Santa Cecilia que se llama Monedita. And it, it talks about, like I would say like the thesis of that of that, of that song is, like I may not have money, but I'm already rich. Because I, I enjoy, like, I can have, like, even I have no new pants, like, I wear them with so much style. So much pride.

So I feel like, I wish for them, for my parents, that they understood that, like, sort of piece of wisdom. That it's like, you don't need to be - I understand why it was so important to you. And I'm grateful, as a child of them to be the recipient of the fruits of their labor, all their sacrifice. We've been able to see the world and become these kids, my parents kids, my siblings and I, very hard working. I think that, in order to become these people, it, it caused pain.

Iā€™m at a point in my life where I understand a lot of this and I no longer like, protest it or resist it. I think I understand where they were coming from.

Karen Gaytan

Born August 29th, 1995 in Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico