Christopher “Chris” Lee Johnson

Born in 1953 in Lubbock, Texas.

I, I can't tell you why I did it. Except I had to do it when I was little. I mean, there was no one making me. I just drew, and I think all kids draw. But at some point, I realized the magic of it. When you draw a picture of a face and you put the eyes in, it becomes alive. And if you put a little more shadow here, you create a personality. I mean, to me that's just pure entertainment.

One thing I do now is I like to take a pencil and make scribbles. So I'll take that scribble and I, I can pull a cartoon out of it. So I can do a cartoon with no, nothing intended. just to see where the mind takes it. So it's, it's entertainment.

But it’s always fun to be flattered. You know? And I actually got fed one time. I used to go to these little restaurants that would put paper placemats down. And I would order. And while they're cooking it, I would turn it over and draw a picture. They'd bring me the food, turn it over, and I'd eat and leave. Well, I had gone to the same restaurant for years. And then when I was gone for six months or a year, I, I returned. And I did the same thing. I turned it over, I started drawing, and the waitress said, you're it! And she took me in the back and they had them all up on the wall. And, they never knew who was doing em, see? And, I got a free, I got, my food was free.

So I thought, well, you know, worse come to worse. I can sit outside Burger King and draw a picture.