Please note that there are two interviews featured on this page. Scroll down to hear the second story.
Eric McHenry
Born on September 10th, 1963 in Xenia, Ohio.
Tyler Fox, Eric McHenry, Alex Hines, Daniel Franco, and Chris Collins
We're in Tyler, Texas. And we're out spreading the good news and the salvation of Jesus Christ. And we're out sharing the gospel and just letting people know that there is a better way of living. And there's a chance at redemption. There's a chance of forgiveness that they can have today and turn their life around and live for Christ.
11 months ago, I, I was struggling with addiction. I had a 23 year addiction to painkillers. And I just, I tried everything to, to get off of those painkillers. But I also struggle with anxiety and depression and loneliness. I'm very happily married for 32 years. I have six wonderful children, a beautiful Christian wife. But I just still have that emptiness because I wasn't fully committed to Christ. Fully committed. I was one of those guys you say that rode on the fence a lot. That was lukewarm. So, I decided for once that I was going to do it for me. I was going to go in, into a rehabilitation home. But mostly to, to get to know Jesus again. To reestablish my walk with him. Because it's not always the drugs and alcohol: that's just a symptom of sin. That's, and I needed to do it for myself, so I could refocus and reevaluate my life for God. And give my life fully to him.
And he gave me a clear vision that, you know, I've known Christ my whole life. You know, I raised my kids in the church. But there's a difference between serving God and being surrendered to God. We can serve and work all we can, which is good. But the most important thing is our heart’s fully committed to Christ. And he's on the throne of our heart. And that's the most important thing.
And I just want to spread the good news and the gospel and just to love brothers. The greatest commandment, they, Christ said, how will you know my disciples? And it's by the love we have for one another that matters.
Daniel Franco
Born in 1985 in Los Angeles, California.
Yeah, growing up, my dad was an alcoholic. My dad was a drug addict. My brother a gang, gang affiliated. Whole family gang affiliated in Los Angeles. So, I, I thought that was the normal thing to do. I accepted it in my life. I accepted that I was going to be a drug addict and a gang member. But God touched my life five years ago. He touched my life. He started breaking those chains off of me. Of rejection I had, of being depressed, of PTSD from all the gang violence. And he started, he started molding me, shaping me, right? It takes time. It's not a, it's not an overnight thing.
I used to run around with needles in my veins, man. Stealing. Robbing. I went to prison for a murder, attempted murder. I got caught with a gun, with drugs. Nothing but chaos. So if I could turn that around now and my eyes been opened and I could reach one person, man, it would be worth it, bro. That's what it's all about. That's what our thing says: igniting one heart at a time. So if I ignite one heart, that person can reach out and, and reach many more. Amen. That's why we’re out here, brother. You know?
And I left my, actually I left my family in California. I left my, my, I have eight kids. I left my eight kids. My daughter just had a liver transplant, open heart surgery a year ago. So I'm, I'm, putting that aside and coming over here and, and getting restored so I can go back to them and be the father that, that God made me to be and to be the husband that God made me to be. Not what the world says I should be a husband, right?
If I show a love of God, that's how I'm showing God in me. Because me personally, man, I have nothing good in me, brother. Nothing good. Except the love of God. And that could make, that makes me be out here, man. You know, in the world I was a taker. I would steal everything and anything. Man. So that's, that's what, what God is working in me. That's the relationship I have with God right now brother.