Susan Patterson

Born on September 1st, 1958 in Lansing, Michigan.

My husband is a motorcyclist. He built motorcycles, worked on motorcycles. And he decided he wanted to open his own motorcycle shop. So he did that. And then unfortunately, in 96, he was in an accident that killed him on a motorcycle. And that really affected me, of course, tremendously.

I didn't want to do anything, you know? I'm like, I'm never going to get married again. I'm never going to date again. I'm never going to do this again. So it was, it was tough in that respect. And then, you know, I had so many friends that rode. And a couple of female friends at that, just a couple at that time, that rode. But, but I always admired them when my husband was still alive. And I always admired them. And I always wanted to ride my own bike. So I just thought, you know what? I'm going to do this. Life's too short, you know? You never know.

It was a Sportster. It was a 93 Sportster. A 1200 motor, which is a bigger motor. And, I loved that bike. We, I painted it purple with green flames. I put some upsweep pipes on it. I put some ape hanger handlebars. And that was just my little bike, I loved it, I loved it.

I love to go fast. It's just so freeing, and just, especially when you're riding on your own. Just being able to go fast and get away from everything, you know? Clear your mind. Sing a song. But yeah. I do like to go fast.